
Mii Brawler

Win Cons

  • Punishing bdk on shield (if you block it you have enough to do drop shield dash grab/run up dtilt), whiff punishing suplex, not getting thrupper cheesed, catching their movements in neutral
  • Only edgeguard them as a hard callout their options offstage or when they're out of resources
  • When you ledgetrap be careful of shot put going through bacon and feint jump going high, just focus on taking away their feint jump and double jump so you can edgeguard/force them to go low so you can use bacon easier


Burst Range

  • I like to stay out of their burst range and find openings that force them to hit our shield or nair/grab them. Bair can be good but they can whiff punish so only use it as a hard callout for their options. You can hard punish their burst options if you call them out, shield grab dash attack, suplex is laggy if missed but your punish depends on how far away you are, and I stated how to punish bdk (burning drop kick) above. If they throw shot put, you can run under it on reaction and dash grab or dtilt them.

Up close

  • Be aware of their combo starters utilt, dtilt, grab, nair, uair. If you get hit in the wrong place at the wrong time you can just die. There is the bonus of being gnw and they can't just safely use these if you mix up your approach timings with dash shield, nair, fair, bair, jab, and grab. If the brawler is playing grounded and spacing utilt and dtilt under a plat, bair or jab is a good answer. If they have flashing mach punch (fmp), watch out for them to randomly use it, it kills at like 80 but it's laggy.
  • Their up b oos is frame 3 and kills around 125 to 140 depending on their rage. Their up smash oos is frame 8 and kills around 115 to 135 depending on rage. Also watch out for late nair at mid% because it combos into f smash, at upper mid% it tech chases and if you don't tech or they guess right you get comboed for f smashed, at high% it combos into up smash. UP TILT IS -18 AND SLIGHTLY DISJOINTED, don't try to grab it unless they don't space it. If they're at high% and you shield it then you can drop shield dtilt.

Getting comboed

  • Getting comboed by brawler is like Mario, sometimes the combo is true and sometimes you can up b out of it. If the combo is true, try sdi-ing out, sometimes it doesn't work.
  • Spots to look for an up b escape are: Nair at low to mid%, utilt, rising uair, bair at low%, dtilt at low to mid%. If you get hit by bair outside of low% di in because it only combos below 10%, if you get hit by nair at mid to high% you may be put into tech chase make sure to di up and away and double jump or up b or mix up your tech option and if you miss the tech then you get f smashed or comboed to death, if you get dtilted at mid to high% di out you might die but you usually won't with good di. Also try to di away from platforms or you could die.
  • If you get put in a tech situation on plats, make sure to not miss the tech or you'll most likely die, and mix up your option, you still might die but it will be harder for the them to react to it.
  • *Dthrow thrupper % range on ps2 is 65-89, make sure do di out dthrow and sdi down thrupper and then di out the last hit of thrupper to live the longest. Additionally the brawler player has to dash forward a bit after dthrow so if you get grabbed on the exact corner of the ledge you'll be fine



  • Watch out for getting frametrapped and getting hit by landing uair because you will probably die. Same if they hit you with rising uair. Usually because of dair, they won't try to go for that. They will usually try to bair you and hit you offstage so just mix up your airdrift. Another thing is sometimes they will try raw up b, it has upper body i-frames for a bit. Usually you can dair safely if you're high enough where it's hard to punish and you won't get uaired or up bd. Usually I only dair when the brawler is in the air below me because it will hit almost every time because they're dumb and try to juggle you from the bottom with no disjointed attacks.

Ledge trapping

  • Watch out for shot put, you have to mix up your getup timings and timings to up b to the ledge. It covers every option if they time it right so you have to mix up your timings. 2 frame dtilt can be scary but just mix up your timings. If they have fmp, just don't be obvious, it kills at 80 but it's super laggy and easy to punish. They have spacie bair so be careful about obvious jumps and normal getup timings. Nair from ledge is good if they're covering normal getup or jump, just watch out for up b oos when you're at kill%. Up b from ledge is also good if they mistime a dtilt 2 frame but you don't have enough time to nair. Normal getup shield is very good because dthrow thrupper doesn't work if you're shielding in the exact corner and their fthrow doesn't kill until 155-170 depending on rage. Be careful about normal getup shield if they have suplex because they can cover it from roll distance. If they have bdk then don't be obvious with jumping in if they're at roll distance. If you get back on stage without getting punished don't panic and think about what options you're opponent has been using and try to mix up your options.

Off stage

  • If they have shot put, just mix up your drift and up b timing, only try to reflect it when you double jump back on stage, if it hits them you can combo them.
  • If they have fmp, watch out for them to run off and use it to hit you out of up b when you run out of i-frames. Fmp has i-frames so it's safe for them to go for it. Think of it as cloud players doing run off limit cross slash. They might try to 2 frame you with dair so just mix up your timings, if you need to you can double jump uair before up bing to the ledge to cover above you.



  • If they get super high in the air they might try to feint jump or bdk to the other side of the stage. As long as you don't mash up air when they're super high up it will be easy to follow their drift and keep juggling them. If they use feint jump, try to hit them offstage, it will be easier to ledgetrap them or edgeguard them without it, edgeguarding is better 9/10 times though because they don't have it. Otherwise trying to hit them offstage is fine but you have to be careful of their options getting back onstage.

Ledge trapping

  • Try not to use bacon unless they recover low, unless they don't have feint jump. They will almost always recover high if you let them, they could feint jump over you or use shot put to cover themself or bdk onto you. Don't shield shot put because then you'll get shield poked by feint jump kick. If they try to recover high you can try to nair, up b (only as a hard callout to feint jump) or uair them, they will be too high to get hit by bair.

Edge guarding

  • If they go high with feint jump you can uair or up b them, now they're forced to go low or mid. They can't go mid unless they have bdk, if they recover mid you can try to bair them or body block bdk, they will bounce off you and lose all their airdrift. Don't go far offstage to cover mid if they still have feint jump, stay close to the ledge and drop down up b or bair them while they're in the animation. If they go low and still have feint jump it's the same thing for if the have feint jump and going mid. If they go low, be aware of their up b. It has i-frames on their upper body for a few frames so don't go for dair if they're too close to the ledge. Make sure to stay to the side of them so you can bair them and only dair if they're too low where the i-frames will run out on their up b and you also know the spot they're recovering from.


Always ban ps2, if you have 3 bans then ban small bf and hollow. If you have 2 bans then ban ps2 and pick between hollow and small bf depending on the brawler's playstyle.

Pokemon Stadium 2



  • It can be good because of the higher ceiling up tilted center stage at upper-mid% because they can do dj uair on to the top plat and then kill you. Also be careful if they are facing towards center-stage and using tilts under the side plats, if you get hit just hard di away from center stage.

Small Battlefield

  • This stage isn't very good but you might have to go here. Just be careful of where you're di-ing and where you're landing.

FD, Kalos, Town & City

  • These stage is very good for you but the brawler player will probably ban them, just choose what stage isn't banned. If there's 3 bans then you will probably never go to these stages.


  • This stage is fine for both players. Just be careful about landing on the plat in disadvantage, if you get dtilted under the plat just di away from it but if you get up tilted you could di. Plat tech chases are very important for brawler on this stage so make sure to mix up your tech option or just don't get hit by tilts under the platform.

Hallow Bastion

  • This stage isn't very good but you might have to go here. Be extra careful about getting hit by tilts while the brawler is under the plat.